Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eminem's left arm tattoo

Eminem's left arm tattooEminem's left arm tattoo:

Eminem got a new tattoo saying "Proof" down his left arm. The same way Proof had his.

Eminem's left arm tattooEminem's wrist Tattoo: Tribal

The gothic bracelet on his left wrist has no particular meaning, because Eminem forgot about the original meaning of the bracelet. Probably because he was drunk when he got it done.

Eminem's left arm tattooEminem's Upper Left Arm Tattoo:
Uncle Ronnie
Eminem got this tattoo as a mark of respect for his uncle, Ronnie Pilkington, who committed suicide back in 1991. Eminem was much closer to his uncle, who first introduced him to HipHop, than anyone else in his family and often includes uncle Ronnie in some of his lyrics.
This tattoo is very artistic : it is related to the ghetto life in Detroit. You can see a huge mushroom along with buildings and the eye of a whore.

Eminem's left arm tattoo
Eminem's left arm tattooEminems Upper Right arm tattoo:
Hailie Jade and Bonnie & Clyde

Upper Right Arm Tattoo :
This tattoo is a portrait of Eminem's daughter, Hailie Jade, with some roses around her. It also has the words "Bonnie & Clyde", which was also a song on The Slim Shady LP, and which was also dedicated to his daugther.

On his right shoulder Eminem has a Hailie tattoo that is his most recent tattoo. There is a picture of Hailie smiling and <> is written beneath. It reminds us of the great complicity between father and daughter. The roses are, of course, a symbol of his everlasting love for Hailie.

Before getting this tattoo done, he had a tattoo here which simply said "Eminem"

Eminem's left arm tattooEminem Tattoo