Sunday, September 12, 2010

Terry Gilliam sponsored animated feature 'Idiots and Angels' by Bill Plympton opens Oct 6

"IDIOTS AND ANGELS" animated feature film
"THE COW THAT WANTED TO BE A HAMBURGER" animated short film.

Bill Plympton, Legendary Oscar�-nominated Director, has an exclusive engagement opening on Wednesday, October 6th, of his Terry Gilliam sponsored Animated Feature Film: "Idiots and Angels" (run time 78 mins.) a black comedy about a man's battle with his wings and his soul, at the IFC Center, 323 Sixth Avenue at West 3rd Street, NYC preceded by Plympton's new, multi-award winning animated short film: "The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburger", which won the Grand Prize for animation at the Florida Film Festival.

Come and Meet Bill Plympton, who will make personal appearances at the last screening of the day on Wednesday, October 6th and Thursday, October 7th, followed by a Q & A.

Bill will be signing postcards at this event and there will be a quiz and signed poster and DVD prizes.

$13 general admission
$9 seniors (62+) and children (under 12)
$8 for IFC Center members
$10 for discounted group tickets
(Group Tickets by arrangement email:

The IFC Center is located at:
323 Sixth Avenue at West 3rd Street, NYC
Box office #: 212 924 7771

For more information, please visit: