A lot of people probably do not understand the whole concept of wanting and getting a tattoo, especially if they do not have one themselves. There are numerous reasons why one may want to get a tattoo but to be honest every person's reason is unique. So listen up all you non-tattooed people this may help give you a little insight on why people get tattoos.
First and foremost, there are probably a lot of people out there that can not explain their reasoning for getting a tattoo, expect for they just simply wanted one. However, there are many more than can give you an upfront straight answer to this question. Like, a lot of people like to get a tattoo to remind them of some stage in their life or to help them remember something special or important that has happened to them. Others get tattoos to express love or feelings about something. While many others get tattoos to remember loved ones or someone they have lost. Also some people just simply like the art of tattooing and think of tattoos as an accessory like a piece of jewelry or something to that effect. While others get tattoos to show that they belong to a certain group or organization.

In conclusion, people get tattoos for various reasons and most of them have nothing to do with being a hoodlum or a out of control, bad, stealing, person. So the next time you see someone with a tattoo, try not to judge them. Their tattoo more than likely represents something special or important that has happened in their life and you should not judge them. Like Thumper's mother said, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.